Pubblicazioni sul tema dell’educazione alla cittadinanza globale ECG

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Carla Inguaggiato

Faggioli, R. Inguaggiato, C. (2021)
Global Education Digest Italian section, in ANGEL Global Education Digest 2020. London: Development Education Research Centre, UCL Institute of Education.
In ANGEL Global Education Digest 2020. (2021) London: Development Education Research Centre, UCL Institute of Education.
Shultz L., Tarozzi M., Karsgaard C., Inguaggiato C. (Eds), 2021
Europe and North America Regional GCED Network, Research Report.
APCEIU, BKMC, CGCER, and IRC-GloCEd, 2021, ISBN (e-book) 979-11-87819-52-3
Tarozzi, M. & Inguaggiato, C. (2018)
Implementing GCED in EU primary schools: the role of ministries between coordinate and parallel action.
International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, X,1.
Tarozzi M., Inguaggiato C., (Eds.) (2018)
Teachers’ Education in GCE: Emerging Issues from a Comparative Perspective.
Bologna: Università di Bologna, ISBN 9788898010912 - DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6070