Pubblicazioni sul tema dell’educazione alla cittadinanza globale ECG

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Catarci, M., Prata Gomes, M., & Siqueira, S. (2017)
Refugees, interculturalism and education.
Intercultural Education, 28:2, 109-112, DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2017.1308647
Santerini, M. (2017)
Donne immigrate e nuova cittadinanza democratica.
In Da stranieri a cittadini. Educazione interculturale e mondo globale, Pedagogia oggi, XV,1, pp. 25-37
Surian, A., Di Masi, D. (2017)
Supporting Higher Education—Hospital Transition through Blended Learning.
Frontiers in Education (2) 60
Loiodice, I. (2017)
Immigrant women in the Mediterranean Sea. Identity-making and training routes.
Pedagogia oggi, pp. 17-24, ISSN: 1827-0824
Santerini, M. (2016)
La povertà: sfida all’educazione.
In Le vecchie e le nuove povertà come sfida educativa, Vita e Pensiero, pp.19-26
Bourn, D. (2016)
Teachers as agents of social change.
International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 7(3), 63-77
Tolomelli, A. (2016)
Theatre of the oppressed: linking research, political commitment and pedagogical perspectives.
Florianopolis, Revista Internacional Interdisciplinar INTERthesis, 13(03), 43-60.
Loiodice, I. (2015)
Teaching cross-culture. The pedagogy of the dialogue "beyond" ethnic groups.
Pedagogia oggi, pp. 94-102, ISSN: 1827-0824
Fiorucci, M. (2015)
Una pedagogia per il dialogo interculturale.
Civitas Educationis, IV (2), 17-35
Catarci, M. (2014)
Intercultural education in the European context: key remarks from a comparative study.
Intercultural Education, vol. 25, p. 95-104
Catarci, M. (2013)
Interculturalism in Italian primary schools with a high concentration of immigrant students.
Intercultural Education, vol. 24, p. 456-475
Mariotti, A. (2012)
Local System, Networks and International Competitiveness: from Cultural Heritage to Cultural Routes.
Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 3(5), 81–95
Shultz, L. (2007)
Educating for global citizenship: Conflicting agendas and understandings.
Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 53 (3), 248-25