One of the efforts of the UNESCO Chair in GCE in HE is to foster a dialogue on Global Citizenship Education that includes non-Western narratives. To this end the Chair, in collaboration with the Italian Higher Education with Africa (IHEA) Foundation and the Unesco Regional Office of the Maghreb-Unit in Tunis, organised an intensive course on GCE at the IHEC Carthage from 13 to 18 November 2023.
The course offered participants the opportunity to learn about, and discuss several topics related to the concept of Global Citizenship Education such as Economic and Social Inequalities, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, Migration and Cultural Diversity, Human Rights, Governance, Life Skills. The course used participatory and active methodologies to foster exchanges between international students and lecturers from different disciplinary and geographical backgrounds and included two field visits to local NGOs working on GCED
The course was attended by 30 students from Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, Libya and Italy.