Training Teacher for Global Citizenship Education
6th and 7th December, 2024
Aula Prodi, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2, Bologna

The international conference, organised by the UNESCO Chair in Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in Higher Education, aims to promote a dialogue on teacher education in Global Citizenship Education. This educational approach, strongly supported by the United Nations, seeks to prepare citizens to live in an increasingly interconnected world and to promote action to make it more just, inclusive, peaceful and sustainable.
- But how is GCE conceptualized in national and international teacher education?
- What is its place in today’s curriculum?
- Which pedagogy is needed to implement it?
- How can a transversal and interdisciplinary approach be promoted?
The conference will provide an opportunity to explore these questions in depth through a discussion with international academics.
The workshop session will also offer practical insights for teachers.
Participation is free of charge subject to registration by 30 November 2024 using the following link. When registering, please indicate which workshop you would like to attend.
- GCE teacher training in Italy and abroad
- Educational practices and research experiences
Friday 6th December 2024
14.00 Participants registration
15.00 Opening remarks
Cristina Femoni, Delegate of Sustainable Teaching, University of Bologna
Daniele Ara, Bologna City Councillor for Peace Education and Non-violence
Cecilia Barbieri, Chief of Section Global Citizenship and Peace Education, UNESCO
Luca Guidetti, Director of the Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna
Ira Vannini, Director of the Department of Education Studies, University of Bologna
Chair: Lucia Raggetti, Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna, Italy
Teacher Education for Global Citizenship Education in Finland and other Nordic countries: prospects and dilemmas
Elina Lehtomäki, Professor, Head of Research Unit Global Education and Gender Studies, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Oulu, Finland
Empowering Global Citizens: Reflections on Teacher Training in Oman and the Gulf
Khalaf Marhoun Al'Abri, Associate Professor of Education Systems & Policies, College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Educating Teachers for Global Learning: Reflections on experience in England
Fran Hunt, Associate Professor, Development Education Research Centre (DERC), IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, UK
Fostering Global Citizenship Education: Teacher Training Experiences and Reflections from Tunisia
Laribi Rym, Head of the Bachelor’s Program in Preschool Education and the Master’s Program in Child Education, Director of the Higher Institute for Early Childhood Professionals, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Expanding Italian Teachers’ Views on Citizenship: Global Dimension and Local Identity
Massimiliano Tarozzi, Professor, UNESCO Chair in Global Citizenship Education in Higher Education, University of Bologna, Italy
Chair: Massimiliano Tarozzi, University of Bologna, Italy
Education, Growth and Equality: Pillars of a Global Citizenship Education
Patrizio Bianchi, Professor, Spokesperson of the of the Network of Italian UNESCO Chairs (ReCUI), University of Ferrara, Italy
Civic Education in a Global Perspective: Empirical Data and Barriers to Teacher Change
Ira Vannini, Professor, Head of Department of Education “G.M. Bertin”, Director of Inter-university Educational Research Centre on Teaching Professionalism (CRESPI), University of Bologna, Italy
New frontiers for citizen participation in multilevel policy making: lowering barriers and raising capacity
Joanne Caddy, Senior Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate
Global Citizenship Education in Large-Scale Comparative Surveys: The Case of the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2022
Valeria Damiani, Associate Professor in Educational Research, Human Science Department, LUMSA - Roma
Discussion and conclusions
Saturday, 7th December 2024
9.00 Opening session
A. Scaffolding Cards: A Tool for Designing Training that Develops Strategic Skills
- Elena Luppi, Professor, University of Bologna, Italy
- Aurora Ricci, Assistant professor, University of Bologna, Italy
- Flavio Brescianini, Research fellow, University of Bologna, Italy
B. From Theory to Practice: Exploring the Idealypes of Global Citizenship Education
- Annalisa Quinto, Research fellow, University of Bologna, Italy
C. Imagining our Futures Together
- Gabriele Vitello, Research fellow, University of Bologna, Italy
Chair: Alessandro Tolomelli, Professor, University of Bologna, Italy
In and out of school: Working With Teachers and Educators to Connect Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Education
Margherita Romanelli, Coordinator Strategic Programming, Advocacy and Partnership WeWorld ONLUS, Italy
Teacher Training in GCE. The Contribution of Empirical Research
Francesca Rapanà, UNESCO Chair in GCE, University of Bologna, Italy
Insights from Workshops
Elena Luppi, Annalisa Quinto, Gabriele Vitello, University of Bologna
Massimiliano Tarozzi, University of Bologna, Italy
Italian and English will be the working language of the conference. Simultaneous translation will be provided
Enrolment Modalities
- Participation is free of charge after registration at the following link
- When registering, you will be asked to indicate which workshop you wish to attend
- A certificate of attendance will be provided to those who request it
- UNESCO Chair in GCED in Higher Education, University of Bologna
- Changemakers for Climate Justice Project
Funded by:
- Regione Emilia Romagna
UNESCO Chair in Global Citizenship Education in Higher Education - Via Zamboni 38, 40126, Bologna, Italia