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Marcella Milana

Tarozzi, M., Milana, M., (2022)
“Reimagining our Futures Together”: Riparare le ingiustizie passate per ricostruire la scuola del futuro. .
Quaderni di pedagogia della scuola. 2 (2022/1), 7-16.
Rapanà, F., Milana, M., & Marzoli, R. (2021)
La collaborazione tra istituzioni scolastiche e territorio per la promozione dell’impegno civico e sociale.
Encyclopaideia, 25(60), 25-43
Milana, M., Tarozzi, M. (2021)
Rethinking adult learning and education as global citizenship education: A conceptual model with implications for policy, practice and further research.
International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 13 (1), 46–60.
Milana, M., Klatt, G., & Vatrella, S. (Eds.) (2020)
Europe’s Lifelong Learning Markets, Governance and Policy – Using an Instruments Approach.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan
Milana, M., & Sørensen, T.B. (2020)
Promoção da Cidadania Democrática através da Educação de Adultos Não-Formal: O caso da Dinamarca.
In S.Haddad, ed., Grundtvig e Freire: escolas populares na Dinamarca e no Brasil (pp. 196-128). São Paulo: Ação Educativa.
Milana, M., Klatt, G., & Tronca, L. (2020)
Towards a network governance of European lifelong learning: a structural analysis of Commission expert groups.
International Journal of Lifelong Education, 39(1): 31-47.
Milana, M., Webb, S., Holford, J., Waller, R & Jarvis, P. (Eds.) (2018)
The Palgrave International Handbook on Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning.
Basingstoke, HPH / New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan
Milana, M. (2017)
Global Networks, Local Actions: Rethinking adult education policy in the 21st. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon / New York,.
NY: Routledge
Milana, M., Holford, J. & Mohorčič Špolar, V. (Eds.) (2016)
Adult and Lifelong Education: Global, national and local perspectives.
London: Routledge
Milana, M., & Nesbit, T. (Eds.) (2015)
Global Perspectives on Adult Education and Learning Policy.
Basingstoke HPH / New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.